柳彬 讲师



出生:                       1985/6

手机:                       18601789768

微信:                       ibenfox

邮箱:                       bliu@shou.edu.cn

个人主页:               https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bin_Liu3






博士学位,上海交通大学,信号与信息处理,2009/9 – 2015/6 (导师:刘兴钊)

访问博士生,法国巴黎高科电信学院,2012 – 2013 (导师:Florence Tupin

硕士学位,上海交通大学,信号与信息处理,2007/9 – 2009/6 (导师:刘兴钊)

学士学位,上海交通大学,电子工程系,2003/9 – 2007/6 top 5%



讲师,上海海洋大学,必赢bwin线路检测中心,2020/9 – 至今

师资博士后,上海海洋大学,必赢bwin线路检测中心,2018/6 – 2020/8

专职科研人员,上海交通大学,电子信息与电气工程学院,2015/12 – 2018/5



1.        G. Zheng, X. Li(*), R.-H. Zhang, and B. Liu. Purely satellite data-driven deep learning forecast of complicated tropical instability waves. Science Advances, 2020. 6(29): eaba1482.Science杂志子刊,IF: 13.116

2.        X. Li, B. Liu, G. Zheng, Y. Ren, S. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Gao, Y. Liu, B. Zhang, and F. Wang(*). Deep Learning-based Information Mining from Ocean Remote Sensing Imagery. National Science Review, 2020. 7(10): 1584–1605. IF: 16.693

3.        B. Liu, X. Li(*), G. Zheng. Coastal Inundation Mapping From Bitemporal and Dual‐Polarization SAR Imagery Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2019, 124(12): 9101--9113. IF: 3.559

4.        H. Hu, B. Liu(*), Z. Zhang, W. Guo, and W. Yu. Superpixel generation for synthetic aperture radar imagery using edge-dominated local clustering. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2018, 12(4), 045006. (IF: 1.36)

5.        B. Li, B. Liu(*), W. Guo, Z. Zhang, and W. Yu. Ship Size Extraction for Sentinel-1 Images Based on Dual-Polarization Fusion and Nonlinear Regression: Push Error Under One Pixel. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(8): 4887--4905. IF: 5.855

6.        L. Huang, X. Li(*), B. Liu, J. A. Zhang, D. Shen, Z. Zhang, and W. Yu. Tropical Cyclone Boundary Layer Rolls in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2018, 123(4): 2981--2996. IF: 3.559

7.        L. Huang, B. Liu(*), B. Li, W. Guo, W. Yu, Z. Zhang, and W. Yu. OpenSARShip: A Dataset Dedicated to Sentinel-1 Ship Interpretation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(1): 195--208. IF: 3.827

8.        L. Huang, B. Liu(*), X. Li, Z. Zhang, and W. Yu. Technical Evaluation of Sentinel-1 IW Mode Cross-Pol Radar Backscattering from the Ocean Surface in Moderate Wind Condition. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(8): 854. IF: 4.509

9.        B. Liu, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, and W. Yu. Representation and spatially adaptive segmentation for PolSAR images based on Wedgelet analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(9): 4797--4809. IF: 5.855

10.    B. Liu, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, and W. Yu. Edge Extraction for Polarimetric SAR Images Using Degenerate Filter With Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, 11(12): 2140--2144. IF: 3.833

11.    B. Liu, H. Hu, H. Wang, K. Wang, X. Liu, and W. Yu. Superpixel-based classification with an adaptive number of classes for polarimetric SAR images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(2): 907--924. IF: 5.855

12.    B. Liu, H. Wang, Q. Yu, X. Liu, and W. Yu. A novel ship detection approach in polarimetric SAR images based on a foreground/background separation framework. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2013, 22(3): 641--647. IF: 0.941

13.    B. Liu, H. Wang, K. Wang, X. Liu, and W. Yu. A foreground/background separation framework for interpreting polarimetric SAR images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011, 8(2): 288--292. IF: 3.833

14.    祝胜男, 郭炜炜, 柳彬(*), 张增辉, 郁文贤. 利用超像素级上下文特征进行靠岸集装箱船检测. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 2019, 44(4): 578--585. (中文核心期刊,EI检索)

15.    李博颖, 柳彬(*), 郭炜炜, 张增辉, 郁文贤. Sentinel-1双极化数据舰船目标几何特性提取. 科技导报, 2017, 35(20): 94--101. (中文核心期刊)



1.        郁文贤, 计科峰, 柳彬. 电子与信息作战丛书: 星载SARAIS综合的海洋目标信息处理技术. 科学出版社, 20176. (专著)

2.        L. Huang, B. Li, B. Liu, W. Guo, Z. Zhang, and W. Yu. Ship Characterization and Analyses in Sentinel-1 Imagery Based on a Large and Open Dataset. in Advances in SAR Remote Sensing of Oceans (Editors: X. Li, H. Guo, K.-S. Chen, and X. Yang). CRC Press, December 2018. (专著章节)



1.        主持,基于无监督深度学习的全极化SAR海岸带复杂环境水淹区域识别,国家自然科学基金青年基金,420061592021/1-2023/12.

2.        主持,海洋人工智能算法研究(漫滩及湿地),中国科学院海洋研究所横向项目,2020/9-2020/12.

3.        主持,基于物理-卷积网络混合模型的SAR海岸带水淹区域提取,中国博士后科学基金,2019M6514742019/5-2020/8.

4.        主持,极化SAR图像高效能地物分类技术研究,上海交通大学研究生创新能力培养专项基金,Z-030-0292011/5-2012/5.

l  卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室“青年访问海星学者”,2020/1-2021/12.



1. 学术期刊编辑

l  Remote SensingIF: 4.509,二区): [Special Issue] AI-based Remote Sensing Oceanography客座编辑


2. 期刊审稿人:

1)        IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

2)        IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

3)        IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

4)        IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

5)        IEEE Signal Processing Letters

6)        IEEE Access

7)        Remote Sensing (MDPI)

8)        Data (MDPI)

9)        International Journal of Remote Sensing / Remote Sensing Letters

10)    Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing

11)    IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

12)    Electronics Letters

13)    Signal Processing (Elsevier)

14)    CEAS Space Journal

15)    Geocarto International

16)    电子学报(中英文版)

17)    雷达学报


3. 国际会议Session Chair

l  IEEE IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

l  PIERS 2019, Xiamen, China



l  2019/11,首届中国数字地球大会,最佳青年报告奖

l  2012/10,论文《高性能SAR某技术》在原总装组织的某卫星应用技术研讨会获得二等奖

l  2012,国家奖学金(上海交通大学,博士)

l  2007,优秀毕业生(上海交通大学,本科)